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How it works

Jr Chef USA Programs is a kids Culinary arts program. We provide an extraordinary atmosphere for children, where we learn, we cook, we eat & Serve!!

Join Jr Chef USA 

Our Cooking Club has Something for Ages 3 - 12

 Most parents are afraid to have kids help in the kitchen mostly because of the safety or because they’re scared, they might mess up their kitchen. We believe Young kids need to be involved in the kitchen, even if it’s to mix, knead or roll. To us cooking and baking is a stress buster, it’s an art and we are very excited to share our knowledge and experience with others. 

Receive Your Recipe sheets & Ingredients  

A New Theme Kit is delivered to your doorstep each session. Each theme contains eight Kids friendly picture recipe sheets and required ingredients for 8 weeks program(All Ingredients are unopened new packs) 

Kits includes 

  • 8 Kids friendly picture Laminated Recipe Sheets

  • All the dry ingredients

  • Some surprises 

  • Jr Chef USA Apron

Apron picture.jpg
picture REC -JPG - FOR FLYER.png
Baking picture utensils.jpg
Ingrediant Picture  for wix.png
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